这里是美国格瑞斯艺术文化基金会(Grace Art&Culture Foundation)周年年庆的现场。我是Grace DAI——戴雅洁,格瑞斯基金会行政总监兼联合创始人,欢迎各位的到来。
3天前,我看了一部电影《THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING》——万有理论。电影后的纪录片中,真实的霍金,坐在轮椅上,专注地看着扮演他自己和他太太的两位年轻演员,在康河旁的草坪上,看绚烂烟火,绽放夜空。随后,我在自己的博客上写下了:青春与爱,是任何人都无法抗拒的东西。 http://blog.sina.com.cn/yajiedai
关于青春,我曾感到迷茫,觉得自己辜负了上天给我的美好时光。 一段时间中,我深感痛苦,和大多80后一样,恐惧和不安在那时候似乎一直跟随者我,因此我落下了很严重的失眠。2012年夏季的一天,我和友人在查尔斯河上泛舟聊天,在橡皮艇穿过Harvard Bridge的时候,我突然有了要创业的冲动,尽管那时候我只是麻省理工学院研究生院的一名学生。
当然,这个想法不是凭空而来。我之前尝试过咨询公司, 政务助理, 主持,口译等工作实习,这些经历让我知道了自己不是喜欢坐在办公室里为他人工作的人。
2013年3月,我受邀加入哈佛大学历史俱乐部。因此前,我是哈佛几位犹太博士私人文化沙龙上的常客,我们习惯性地就历史,宗教,种族,语言,音乐,数学,脑认知,世界和平等话题展开讨论。哈佛历史俱乐部是一票否决制。幸运的是,我得到了全票通过。如例行,我们每周四晚8点到10点半,在哈佛大学William James Hall聚会,各成员轮流做一事先准备好的历史话题陈述。讲解1小时,问答和自由发言共1个半小时。这个经历,让我看到多维视角的宽广,也让我更多熟练了用英语来讲述我眼中的历史和心中的宇宙。
我相信,每个生命体都带着自己的使命来到这个多彩的世界。而人类,通过呼吸与宇宙能量场交互; 通过视觉,听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉,触觉等五官感官体验和热辐射,频率,气场等非感官体验与他人交互运动。如苏格拉底所说,“我们与世界相遇,我们与世界相蚀,我们必不辱使命,得以与众生相遇。”
Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the One Year Anniversary Celebration of Grace Art and Culture Foundation! My name is Grace Dai, executive director and co-founder of GACF.
Three days ago, I watched the Stephen Hawking movie The Theory of Everything. There was a scene from the movie of actual Mr. Hawking watching the shooting of young actors and contemplating the beautiful fireworks. It was a moving scene, which prompted me to write on my blog: Youthful love is something no one can resist. http://blog.sina.com.cn/yajiedai
I used to feel lost during my early youth, thinking I was wasting it. There was a period where I felt pain, anxiety and fear, lost sleep, like many other Chinese born after 1985. On a summer day in Boston in 2012, when I was boating with friends in Charles River, I firmed up my ambition to become an entrepreneur although I was a MIT graduate student at that time. This thought wasn't pulled out of the air. I have experience with business consulting, executive assistance, event host, and interpreter. Those experiences taught me to start business myself, rather than working for others in the office. The understanding of what not fit me was crucial for pursuing the path that was fulfilling and gets me near my goal, day by day.
In March, 2013, I was admitted to Harvard History Club. Before that, I was a usual guest for a culture salon co-founded by several Jewish friends of mine. Admitting to Harvard History Club was a prestigious honor. The admission process requires all members to vote yes. And that was what I got. We met every Thursday evening from 8 to 10:30, giving talks and lectures on historical topics. This experience vastly widened my perspectives on both Chinese and Western history, and provided me a chance to express my own view of history in English in public.
I have given deep philosophical thoughts on history, and the nature of universe and creation. I think history was created by human beings but fortunate coincidence exists. Reading history is reading humanity, which will deepen the understanding of human beings; in my eyes, universe is a journey of time, an exchange filed of energy, from big to small. There is a purpose that life carries to the world. Humans interact via five senses and invisible energy like radiation and spectrum. Our interaction with everything in the world is a blessing.
“I met with the world, and I shall eclipse with the world, and I shall fulfill the mission with all beings together.”
Welcome to Grace Art and Culture Foundation!